About Us
Our mission is to protect, enhance, and restore the aquatic ecosystem of Georgian Bay by funding accredited research on water levels, water quality, and ecosystems; by educating the public and governments on issues regarding the environmental protection of the Georgian Bay area; and by enhancing the public's appreciation for their environment.
We believe that water is a common heritage and a fundamental human right that is essential to life. It should be preserved and made accessible to all, today and in the future. We value the concepts of transparency, integrity, creativity, trust, and sharing. Everything we undertake is done with respect for the members of the varied communities we serve.​
The natural landscape of Georgian Bay is irreplaceable. Let’s protect it.
Our Mission
To protect and enhance Georgian Bay through science, research, education and action.

Our Vision
Ensuring Georgian Bay is
healthy and thriving forever.

Number One
To identify, research, and put forward strategies and solutions that respond to key threats facing Georgian Bay’s ecosystem:
Analyze and report on effects of climate change on coastal and lake wide areas of Georgian Bay
Establish baseline data and monitor trends and changes to water levels, water quality, biodiversity and aquatic habitat
Analyze impact of land use activities and pollution on aquatic ecosystems
Number Two
To expand our impact through strategic partnerships:
Increase partnerships to foster community-based actions around Georgian Bay
Engage and partner with Indigenous Nations and Leaders
Expand research projects with universities and governments
Align stakeholders to achieve maximum leverage of resources
Number Three
To develop strategies that inspire action and behaviour change through communication, education and awareness:
Build a variety of media and make GBF the “go to “place for credible information on Georgian Bay
Enhance dialogue through communication with targeted audiences and develop actionable insights
Expand education webinars, seminars, programs, newsletters and promote changes to policy and legislation
Number Four
To strengthen organizational, financial and human resource capacity for staff and volunteers and build a thriving workplace
Develop an organization plan and human resource strategy
Align staff and volunteer attraction, development and retention with expanding
Expand fund development to increase resiliency and sustainability of GBF
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